"The Learning Center" caters to all breeds and ages, dropping off your Dog for a day of training and play is beneficial for the mental and physical health of your canine companion.
T.L.C. has special programs to ensure puppies begin their lives with their "Best Paw" forward. Additionally,we can provide you with an in home visit upon arrival of your new puppy to help ensure success before bad habits begin or a private one on one with you and your puppy.
Puppy Plans - Drop off your puppy during the day and let us teach proper handling ,potty habits and socializing skills with people and things often missed while providing you with the techniques to ensure success!
The most important time of your dog's life is the first 3 Month
“Behavioral problems are the greatest threat to the owner-dog bond. In fact, behavioral problems are the number one cause of relinquishment to shelters.3 Behavioral issues, not infectious diseases, are the number one cause of death for dogs under three years of age.”
Puppy Programs - Socializing,potty training,handling, leash training , If you are concerned about exposing your puppy to disease please read the following from the ASVAB(American Veterinary Society
of Animal Behavior)Please call for prices, we can fit any puppy needs.
Click on the Link provided below for more information:
Read Important information, More important to take puppy's to safe class and socialize then wait for all shots to be completed.
Click Below on button to read...We require first two sets of shots for puppies
This program is designed for Dogs with basic skills they are dropped off and trained and during the day. We look forward to increasing the consistence of your companions knowledge and skills while your at work , drop your dog at "The Learning Center" for a productive day! You will both be fulfilled and tired at the end of the day, ready for a loving , playful evening.